Everyday French Cooking

Simple, rustic everyday French cooking with the most delicious results! 

Chef's Pick ($125.) per person
Includes taxes, instruction, recipes, food cost, equipment,
plenty to eat, and lots of fun!
CLICK HERE: Payment and Class Registration Form 

Everyday French Cooking Menu

Salade Verte with Tarragon Vinaigrette
Tender butter lettuce salad with tarragon-Dijon dressing.
Poulet Rôti aux Herbes
Succulent whole roasted free-range chicken with fresh herbs and lemons.
Pommes de Terre au four
Roasted petite potatoes in duck fat with rosemary.
Tomates Provençales
Oven baked tomatoes topped with parsley, thyme, garlic, olive oil and breadcrumbs.
Tarte aux Pommes
Apple-Almond Frangipane Galette.